The Department of Mathematics in association with the Albertian Foundation organized ‘Gift of Magi,’ an initiative to help the inhabitants of Santhwana Bhawan-Old age Home, Cheranalloor on 23 December, 2020. The Management, teachers, non-teaching staff and students of St. Albert’s College (Autonomous), Ernakulam, contributed necessary  items like soaps, toothbrushes, towels etc. Ms. Jeema Jose and Dr. Sajitha Mony handed over the gifts to Sr. Reena, Mother Superior, Santhwana Bhawan. The list of items received included:

Soap – 40, Tooth brush – 23, Tooth paste – 10, Bed sheet – 6, Bath towel – 9, Nighties – 10, Dettol – 2, Vicks – 1, Savlon lotion – 10, Buds – 2 Packets, Washing powder – 3 packets, Cotton – 1, Shampoo – 1, Hand sanitizer – 1 and Sanitizing wipes – 1